India's Top #1 Sales Training & Sales Consulting Company

Corporate Leadership Training Company

“Helping you to build the leadership capability your business requirement.” – YMS Leadership Training Company in India

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Mihir Shah – India’s Top Corporate Trainer

YMS Corporate Leadership Training Programs- Right Program that Best Fits your Needs.

From its beginning since 2014, Yatharth Marketing Solutions A Leading Corporate Leadership Training company based in Bangalore, Mumbai, Pune, Ahmedabad & Dubai has renowned the division between management and leadership, and the vital role of leadership development in the achievement of any organization. Quality leadership can motivate encouraging change in a challenged organization. to become a great leader you must have Good leadership qualities. We provide the best trained most talented team to its full possible. It inspires. It authorizes. Within any booming company, you’re sure to find active, stimulating leaders who self-assuredly make things happen. We are among the Top 10 Training Companies in india offering Sales Training, Sales Consulting & Leadership Training Programs to Corporates companies in India and across the globe.

These men and women know that igniting the efficiency and passion in a team needs a particular set of skills that can’t be taken for decided. We’ll assist to expand and hone those skills using programs that create long-lasting results for everyone from very experienced leaders to recently promoted directors. Practical, easy to execute and fun – learning what it takes to become an unexpected leader who drives modernism and achieves goals has never been so easy.

YMS’s Leadership Training Programs are designed to change managers into leaders, with established tools and techniques for maximizing sales force efficiency, inspiring the possibility of every team member and generating an environment for success.

Foundations of Leadership
This proven program by YMS assists change regular managers into unexpected leaders. It develops the main fundamental skills every leader requires to create passion and efficiency on their team.
Leadership Excellence
This program is designed for more knowledge managers who are already proficient at opening leadership skills. It assists the leader focus on their future development requirements with 360-degree feedback.
Customized Leadership Programs
Our proven course for constant reinforcement makes sure that your course will have long-lasting efficiency. We have Course Catalog of Topics in your customized program, or we can also craft topics from scrape for you.

How much does it cost for Leadership Training Programs?

For 1 Day


Time: 8 Hours

Situational Leadership
Motivating Employees
Coaching for Better Performance
Providing Effective feedback
Conducting Appraisals
Effective delegation
Managing low performers
Handling attrition
Appreciating personality differences
Managing Change
Situational Leadership Skills
Fast Audit
Post and Pre Training Assessment
Certificate For Participation
Feedback And Execution Plan for each Individual
90 Days Support
Batch Size -10
Added Cost / Additional Person -2000
Up to 70% Growth Assurance
Checkout Cost
For 2 Days


Time: 16 Hours

Situational Leadership
Motivating Employees
Coaching for Better Performance
Providing Effective feedback
Conducting Appraisals
Effective delegation
Managing low performers
Handling attrition
Appreciating personality differences
Managing Change
Situational Leadership Skills
Fast Audit
Post and Pre Training Assessment
Certificate For Participation
Feedback And Execution Plan for each Individual
90 Days Support
Batch Size - 30
Added Cost / Additional Person - 1500
Up to 70% Growth Assurance
Checkout Cost
For 3 Days


Time: 24 Hours

Situational Leadership
Motivating Employees
Coaching for Better Performance
Providing Effective feedback
Conducting Appraisals
Effective delegation
Managing low performers
Handling attrition
Appreciating personality differences
Managing Change
Situational Leadership Skills
Fast Audit
Post and Pre Trainnig Assesment
Feedback And Execution Plan for each Individual
Certificate For Participation
90 Days Support
Batch Size - 60
Added Cost / Additional Person - 1000
Up to 70% Growth Assurance
Checkout Cost
For 4 Days


Time: 32 Hours

Situational Leadership
Motivating Employees
Coaching for Better Performance
Providing Effective feedback
Conducting Appraisals
Effective delegation
Managing low performers
Handling attrition
Appreciating personality differences
Managing Change
Situational Leadership Skills
Fast Audit
Post and Pre Training Assessment
Certificate For Participation
Feedback And Execution Plan for each Individual
90 Days Support
Batch Size - 90
Added Cost / Additional Person - 500
Up to 70% Growth Assurance
Checkout Cost

About Mihir Shah, India’s Top Corporate Trainer

Mihir Shah is a reputed Speaker, Sales Trainer and Motivator who transforms businesses and teams with insightful training. With decades of experience in Sales Training, he is sought after for his latest techniques to drive faster scale, higher efficiency and sustained development. Mihir’s sessions have inspired more than 450+ corporate companies all over the country.

He is responsible for industry-leading Corporate Training, Leadership Training, Sales Training, and Sales Consultancy that have a strong, lasting impact. With a keen understanding of employee psychology and a drive to inspire success, Mihir can help your team achieve your goals faster.


Client Video Testimonials

Get inspired by other members of our training programs who learned & succeeded.

Leadership Training Statistics

Organizations are facing a leadership talent gap; though, many of the challenges connected with leadership development can be determined by learning. Our Entrepreneur training programs recent research states the key statistics and business leaders require considering when it comes to workforce learning.

Leadership skills
56% of organizations are not ready to meet leadership needs.
Leadership Gap
77% of organizations generally is now experiencing a leadership gap.

YMS’s Leadership Training Programs Objectives to creates a path to success and helps your employees gain the skills to:

Use a simple framework for better training conversations
Use buying cycle training to accomplish higher win rates
Generate a sound value proposal.
Recognize high-payoff coaching candidates
Build up and implement standards of superiority, not just least levels of sales performance.
Remove distractions and change on coaching salespeople
Enhance team accountability
Assist them focus on training practices connected to income growth
Boost win rates and elevate forecast accurateness by executing a buying-focused sales channel

Yatharth Marketing Solution’s Leadership Training Programs

Emerging Leaders

YMS’s Leadership Solutions organize you to meet the challenges of higher-level tasks. You’ll get more commitment and responsibility from employees, develop more combined and mutual teams, and be better ready to deal with the trials of a leadership role.


As a Senior Executive, you wish for your emerging leaders and others you’re placing in the series plans to become fully ready to move to the next stages and execute successfully. Training that purposely addresses these transitions can significantly boost the possibility of their success.


Many organizations underrate the value of the coaching role. They misinterpret the meaning of coaching, coach patchily, or completely omit to coach from the picture. With YMS, you’ll learn how to recognize and unlock the performance code on your team and maximize their performance.

Without our clients, our work would have no meaning

Our Training Programs help brands like these boost their business & keep it growing

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